Thursday, January 31, 2013

Got It!

January 30th

I am redoing this post because I discovered that the Ipad App for Blogger does not upload images that fit into my blog format.  This image ran over into the right column.  So I decided to redo it.  Sorry for the duplication to those of you who get updates via email.  There will be another post forthcoming...

Today's painting is of my friend Diann's insane black lab (rescue). Diann brings her to the studio when she comes to paint and she gums up Bubba's toys. Of course he steals whatever treats might be around when he can. You should see an 8lb. poodle trying to chew on a lab sized rawhide bone...

1/30/13 "GOT It!", 5x5, oil on Gessoboard

Painting a black dog is really challenging.  You can't just squirt out a tube of black because black is a pretty "dead" color.  I struggled with finding interesting colors to put underneath and also to combine to create the illusion of black.

here is the transparent underpainting 

working in some of the darks

adding the eyes always helps...

I wanted to throw in the towel in several spots but kept on painting.  Amazingly I ended up with a piece I was happy with.

I am grateful for the many blessings of my life as it is today. 

Start where you are
Love what you have
Do what you can

1 comment:

  1. You have made a grand job! Black dogs are hard, I use pastels for mine and use blues of every discription! Well done


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